Intuitive Coaching

Price: $185.00

By connecting with your Spirit Guides and mine strong messages, tools & clarity come through to assist you through times when you may feel an internal struggle to see the way forward through a difficult time. Or perhaps you’re just feeling unmotivated, stuck in a job, relationship, or in a rut in life that you’re not happy with. Along with my Certified Coaching knowledge, we’ll figure out what your goals are & get you on your way! If you’re interested in increasing your abilities, learning more about meditation, and/or nurturing your growth or evolution on a spiritual journey we can delve into that work as well! These can be done in person, by phone, or by Zoom.


Price: $175.00

Reiki sessions can be done in person or remotely. The work is just as effective either way which is the beauty of energy work! The actual session of energy work (chakra balancing included) will be around 45-60 min. and then preferably will be followed up with a phone call to go over notes from the session (30 min)

Feng Shui

Price upon request

Feng Shui is about living in flow with the energy of your environment. That environment is your home. I’ve studied the western art of Feng Shui which is based more on intentions whereas the eastern art is ruled by direction using a compass. There are many facets to Feng Shui that need to be addressed so typically I like to begin with a visit to the home/office and address any immediate items that need to be done by the owner while I’m working on the final recommendations. During that visit, I will also draw up a floor plan of the home (not to scale) so that I can work with it back in my office & take any necessary notes. The final recommendations packet can take 2-3 wks.

Price varies due to the size of the home, distance and yes, I do travel out of state!

Chakra Balancing

Price: $75.00

There are seven main chakras that I will work on to determine if they are blocked or open. If they are blocked we will discuss whatever messages come through from your guides regarding the issues that have caused the blockages. These can range from arguments, past lives, break ups, or even childhood experiences in this lifetime. I will open the chakras which will help to increase energy, intuition and possibly any mental/emotional obstacles that get in the way of clarity in life.

House Clearing

Price upon request

As people come in and out of our homes or offices or we move into new spaces, we forget that as energetic beings people deposit their energy in these spaces. So if arguments, divorces, death or if negative people have occupied these places or visited your space they are depositing their energy. And if you have had any arguments within your home the same applies. Having your new home/office or current home/office cleared is important! All the energy is cleared out and you replace it with the energy YOU want to fill it with. It’s also worth considering having your home cleared of your energy if you're getting ready to list for sale! 

Cost depends upon the size of the home and travel time and yes, I do travel out of state!

Numerology Chart

Price: $250

Getting your numerology chart done is fascinating! Based on your birth name, birth date, and if there’s been any change to your name (nickname often used, married name, etc) the numerology chart can give you a look at challenges in your life, what you may excel at, possible repeating patterns in your life, talents, how people see you.

“Diane has been my spiritual mentor and coach since 2004. Her impact on my personal and professional journeys has been profound. She always knows the nugget of wisdom I need most before I know I need it, and she delivers them with compassion and grace. Her work is self-care and other-awareness all wrapped up in the best hug on the planet. Whether you're seeking a little life tune up or a spiritual transformation, her partnership is invaluable."

— J. S.